Friday, February 13, 2009

It's A B..

Today was the big day......the Level II ultrasound. We are currently at exactly 21 weeks today, and it seems like we have been waiting forever for this part of the journey. Every 3 weeks, I have had a little in-clinic ultrasound which has been very fun....a quick glance at my little baby. But this one today was very detailed and in depth, looking at every little baby body part, taking a gazillion measurements, and looking at the heart from seven different angles. Everything looks great, and baby is growing a few days ahead of schedule....just like all of our other boys did.

Here is the latest picture:

I love how the heart actually looks "heart-shaped" at this angle. So appropriate for Valentine's day tomorrow!

After about 20 minutes of the technician searching for whatever they search for, we finally found out the gender, which has been forefront on all of the kids' minds since we told them about the baby on Christmas Eve. And as was no surprise for many,

"Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake,

baker's man.

Bake me a cake

as fast as you can.

Pat it, and roll it,

and mark it with a 'B',

and put it in the oven for

'Bethany' and me!"

Can you even believe it?!?!? We are all so very thrilled.....and the kids are just ecstatic about adding a little more pink to the house!

1 comment:

Alison said...

YAY! How exciting! Now Thomas and Thomas can commiserate about the annoyances of having a little sister. I'm so happy for you guys! Congratulations!