Sunday, June 28, 2009


What a thrilling weekend for the Waconia Marching Band, and for all of us "groupies" too!

The Marching Band Season is such a short one.....from Memorial Day through the 4th of July. With rehearsals beginning sporadically in January, then becoming mandatory and disciplined nearly every June morning, the season goes by in a blur. We try to make it to as many parades and competitions as possible, which are held all over Minnesota, usually requiring long drives, and sitting in the sun for about 3 hours per parade. With the gaggle of children we have, fighting for a large enough space through crowds between 2-6 rows deep is often a is the incessant "I'm so thirsty", "It's so hot!", and "Is that the last one? Can we go home now?"

But, we try anyhow. Bob makes it to nearly all of them, even the ones that are 2-1/2 hours away. I try to manage the kids through competitions a bit closer to home so that they do not bug me to death before we even get there on the drive alone. And this year has been fantastic thus far. We have won the title of Grand Champion in every parade and competition we have been in!

However, it all REALLY boils down to this weekend: The Vikingland Band Festival in Alexandria, MN. With 22 competing bands this year, it is the biggest festival in Minnesota. And Grand Champion from this festival is the most covetted title of all. We want it this year...we want it bad.

I have brought the kids up to this important competition each year for the last three years. We began by catching the competition in Osseo on Saturday afternoon. This year, we were blessed to enjoy this festival with friends from Waconia, Grandma & Grandpa, and Mary who brought her little ones to see what all this marching band fuss is all about. We all had a great time, even the newbies, and Waconia enjoyed yet another Grand Champion win!

It was then a quick goodbye to our friends and family as we headed to St. Cloud. We grabbed some food, filled up on gas, checked into our hotel, used the potties (whew!), and spent our free 15 minutes in the pool before heading to the evening parade. As we waited for Waconia from our comfortable curbside seats, we collected candy thrown to us from strangers, and took shelter under a large tree when the wave of downpours rolled through. The silver lining came as many of the large crowd retreated to their warm vehicles and headed home, leaving us ample opportunity to advance on the perfect spots along the parade route to view the music show. Yes, perfect! Again, we took another Grand Champion title home! Well, the band members all went home......Jonny, Laura, Tubby, Bethany, and I went back to the hotel.

Sunday morning brought beautiful sunshine, cooler temperatures in the low 70's, low humidity, and a refreshing breeze, making the Vikingland Band Festival the most comfortable it has ever been. We picked up Grandma ?, Melissa, and Crispy from their cabin at Mount Carmel Family Camp, just outside Alexandria. Melissa and Crispy are in for a week of fun which will end on the 4th of July. They are VERY excited about this special opportunity. But for today, we would all be together in the downtown streets, cheering on Waconia for their last competition of the season. Bob and Michael met us at our post just after the festivities began.

4 hours, 22 bands, 7 parade chairs, 6 ice creams, 3 cheesecurds, 1 huge bag of kettle corn, 4 trips to the potty, 100 changes in seating arrangements, 8 comments about the tiny baby, 3 water bottle refills, 3 poopy diapers, only one nursing session, 2 naps, and an infinite number of "Is that the last band?", and 30 pictures filled our afternoon. Pam and Lyle had saved a lovely spot for us on the sidewalk (though our taped down blankets had mysteriously been moved from the curb), and we had great views of the shows performed by each band as they played in front of the People's Choice judging area. It was exciting and entertaining. Waconia was terrific, as always, and it is so fun to hear the positive comments from spectators around us. My favorite today was, "You know, Waconia Marching Band is legendary!"
Legendary it was today.......we snagged not only People's Choice again this year, but the GRAND CHAMPION title as well!!!! We were entirely undefeated this year!!!! Wow!!! It was so exciting to be a part of the crowd during the awards ceremony as the Waconia fans erupted in the bleachers with the announcement. Those kids have worked so hard for this, and have done a stellar job each year. What a fine reward for a job so well done. And to top it all off, their coach buses were greeted with fire engine escorts and a honking parade as they rolled back into town this evening. The kids were pumped about their accomplishment this year, and the smiles on their faces could have stretched for miles. Alex is now at a buddy's house, celebrating!!!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Date Due

Today is Friday, June 26......the date that Baby Bethany was due to be born. Of course, we had been expecting her to be a few weeks early, but we had not quite figured that we would be celebrating her 6 week birthday today. And poor kiddo, she was not much in the mood for celebrating, as her tiny little baby cold has gotten the tiny little best of her. It is so hard not to smile and say "awwwwww....." when she cries her tiny little hoarse baby cry. This sweet little pea is still such a tiny one. If she is seven pounds yet, that would be something. Though not growing physically very quickly, she seems to be right on track developmentally. I have spent many a minute looking at her and talking to her, just waiting for that smile to burst out. It is so close to the surface, you can almost see it! Even with her tiny illness, she looks like she is going to bless us with that happy little baby grin any day! Her neck is also getting stronger, giving her some added flexibility of what she gets to look at. She loves being in rooms where many people are taking turns talking, and will look from each person to the next as the voices and sounds change around her. But when she is tired, asleep she goes, and not a single voice can disrupt her slumber. That's almost like having a super-power.....being able to sleep anywhere, anytime, under any circumstance. I would like to have that option these days!

My biggest girl and my smallest girl accompanied me on a quick trip up to St. Cloud today to pick up my second son from his week-long hockey camp. He and 7 others from Waconia had a WONDERFUL time. It was a fabulous camp that not only worked them hard (Michael was too exhausted and muscle-sore to even think about going paint-balling the next day), but assisted them in their Christian growth and walk with Christ. I have a feeling that all those small group sessions, hours each day in song & worship, listening and reflecting on inspirational speakers, and fellowship in prayer just may have drawn the 8 of them closer together! What a great way to build up friendships!

It was good to see Michael again, and even better hearing many stories about his week as we drove back home. Apparently the Waconia kids were particularly drawn to spotting squirrels in the out of doors, scurrying around campus everywhere they walked, which annoyed their group leader a bit. At one point he asked, "Aren't there any squirrels in Waconia?" To which the kids replied, "No, not really!" Which is true. It was one of the things I missed right away when we moved. I don't know if it is all the new developments around here, or what, but to see a squirrel is a rare thing indeed for us. The kids saw one in an older neighborhood once when they were on the bus coming home from school, and that was all they could talk about in regards to their day. When we went to the Nature Center last week to watch Melissa's pioneer dancing, Laura asked me as we headed up the walkway, "Is this the place we saw the squirrel?" Yeah, that was last year, when we visited the park. That's how often we see them. Tubby doesn't even know what one is. At our old house in New Brighton, squirrels were about as plentiful as mosquitoes! But they DO know what raccoons (mostly of the dead, road-kill variety), skunks (of the same variety), grasshoppers, fireflies, turtles, frogs, cows, herons, hawks, and massive weeds are. OK, moving on....

Michael shows some nice qualities as being a leader in group settings. It comes up often as a theme for him in the different activities he is involved in. I always find it so interesting when my kids are almost like completely separate people inside and out of the home. Not that it is bad....sometimes both personalities are each entirely positive and wonderful....just different, is all. I am looking forward to watching him grow next year in High School and to develop some real interests and direction. While Alex is showing great aptitude in music, given his playing 4 separate instruments quite well, making it into upper level bands without even owning the instrument with which he auditions on, transposing and writing music, Michael seems to be following a similar, yet much different path. Michael is becoming more and more interested in learning how to play guitars of all sorts, deciphering musical lines, picking out melodies, harmonies, and supporting registers, and also interested in composing. Just today he stated he'd like to play in a worship band someday. Yes, it will be interesting to see where his life journey is taking him.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Crocodile Chop

This has been an exciting week for my kids. It is second in anticipation of summer activities (first is Watermelon Day/Cabin in August). It was Vacation Bible School at our church each evening this week.
VBS is an incredible event at our church. With over 600 kids preregistered, and probably a couple hundred more registering the first night, one would think we were in for a lot of chaos, right? But each year I have volunteered, and each year I have been completely amazed by how well organized and nearly seemless things go throughout the evening. From one station to another, things are running like a well-oiled machine. The kids always have a fabulous time, and quite frankly, so do us adults!
I took a break this year due to the new baby and recovery, and did some faux volunteering instead, as I supervised a group of very cute and sweet five year olds (my own included) each night as Grandma ? made it up from Mankato after work, as fast as she could to minimize her tardiness from the bursting and bubbling excitement of VBS. Though sad to not have an entire volunteer role this year, it really would have been too much. But it was great to enjoy 4 nights of someone else doing dinner cooking for me and four nights of sweet worship with a bunch of adorable children on fire for God. Last night it was announced that out of those 800-ish kids, 90 had given their hearts up for Jesus. Sweet, indeed.

Before heading to the Crocodile Swamp this evening for our last night of pumped up glory to God, Laura was granted her wish she has been begging for for the last few months, and had a quick 5 minute appointment with a pair of scissors in my bathroom:
She looks so adorable! And is very proud of her new do. She is telling everyone about it, and shakes her head from side to side enjoying the way her shorter locks brush against her cheeks. While super cute from the front, I have a bit of fixing to do around the back and sides. Kind of looks like she had an appointment with a real crocodile instead. Well, it isn't bad for the 5 minutes we had.

I have enjoyed some nice quiet moments at home while Grandma and Jonny entertained the kids at church. Tubby has had a few good evening naps, and Bob has been able to relax after work. Alex has had a few more parades in which they continue to win Grand Champion....they are having a GREAT season!

Jonny is really liking baseball, and their team is 4-1. Not too shabby! Jonny completed a great theater camp last week at the Chanhassen Dinner Theater. They spent the week learning some acting tricks/stunts, stage dancing, singing, the works. Jonny was familiar with most of it from his other acting experiences, but he did enjoy learning a few new things. They delighted us with a program full of little skits on the last thing was that they got to perform it all on the main theater stage!
Melissa completed a camp of her own last week....Laura Ingalls Wilder Camp at the Lowry Nature Center. She spent 3 fun-filled days learning how to do the things that Laura would have, cleaning, farm chores, crafts, mending, etc. She had a wonderful time, even having gone without any friends to lean on. Good girl! I got the added benefit of having my mom here for three days as she drove Melissa back and forth, and helped out around this crazy house. Thanks, Mom!

So tonight, as I wait for the kids to return, I am holding my baby who is so very sweet, and still very little (at 6 pounds, 12 ounces), and today, is ill with her first sickness. She has had a slight fever, and a hoarse sounding cry which is very sad and pathetic, really. I am so saddened that my little one is doesn't seem fair. And where she got it, we will never know, as we do not go anywhere these days! Bob is with Jonny at his baseball game, Alex is at another parade, Michael is up in St Cloud this week at a Christian Hockey Camp, and all the other kids are at church until at least 9:30pm. I am now going to go snuggle with my Tubby on the couch and we are going to finish watching CARS....of course!!!!

Congratulations to Chris & Alison on the birth of baby Ava today! She joins a lovely family and is blessed with 3 big brothers waiting to welcome her home!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Fabulous Fathers

We are thankful for Daddies. And Grandpas. And Uncles. And all the other special not-related-but-might-as-well-be men in our lives. Thankful today, and everyday!
We celebrated Father's Day one day early, as we have the past three years. We spend Saturday with a late afternoon BBQ, hanging out in the yard, playing with our cousins, and getting wet in the front yard sprinkler (or backyard water slide). The dads and grandpas enjoy good beer, a nice view from the deck, and good food (that THEY prepare since none of us women know how to run the grill). The rest of us watch the kids run and play and just have simply a good time together, taking in a lazy afternoon.
5pm is when the action starts. Bob drives Alex to the marching band meeting spot, and gets Jonny and Crispy to their banner holding station. He then travels to our designated "saved" spot by the park along the parade route for Lake Waconia's Band Festival, which has harbored our chairs and blankets from the day before. This year, we were sickened to find that all five of our chairs had been stolen sometime overnight. Sad to think that this happens in our sweet little town. The rest of us arrive after walking 6 blocks from the nearest parking space to our blankets on the curb. At precisely 6pm, the show begins. And quite a show it has become!
Once a small, charming little event in a small, charming little town, the festival has grown immensely in the 6 years we have been here. From our first summer where we just happened upon a prime spot on the sparsely populated curb in the parade, to now having to save spots the night before in a crowd that has become 6 layers deep from the curb in order to get a good view. While a bit frustrating that this is what it takes, it is all worth it in the end, as we watch 15 of the state's top marching bands perform right in front of us. Always a treat. This year, not only did we get to share it with Grandmas and Grandpas, but my brother and his family shared it with us too. I think they enjoyed it...even though Waconia's drumline parked their gong right in front of us which impeded the view and sound of their show. No matter...we got to focus on the award winning drumline instead! Waconia has been sweeping all contests we have been in this has been so exciting. Since we were the hosts for this festival, we did not get to compete, but the kids performed to their very best level anyhow, because that's the way Waconia does it!

Today, Bob spent his Father's Day following Alex in the marching band through the streets of Hutchinson with Michael by his side. The rest of us did not attend the competition as it appeared certain that storms would be riddling our outing. Thankfully for the band, the storms never happened...not even rain. Meanwhile, we were rained out at home, and my tired children spent the afternoon bullying each other and being impossibly obnoxious. It was a fabulous day for me, I tell ya'. If it hadn't of been for making it to church this morning ( 15 minutes late, but I DID make it there!), this day would have been a total bust for the rest of us.
Daddy spending some sweet time with the baby, protecting her delicate ears at the parade.

After the parade, Bob and Michael took off for his Christian hockey camp in St. Cloud. They spent good use of their extra time by having dinner together and enjoying a quiet outing, just the two of them. Bob's dedication to Alex's marching band and Michael's hockey has been quite complete over the last three years. He does not miss a game or a parade unless entirely impossible to make it....and when that happens, he just feels terrible. So, it is actually quite fitting that those two things have filled up this father's day for him. I hope he realizes how much our kids appreciate his efforts and the time he bestows on them, when time is so precious and little for him most days. They are lucky to have such a dedicated dad.
My 5 men watching eagerly as the 6th(Alex) comes marching down the street

Upon his return this evening, he will get to enjoy relaxing at his computer, watching Chuck with Jonny from the DVD season 1 collection. He will probably spend time being silly with the little ones, causing Laura and Tubby to giggle, and Melissa and Crispy to scream. He will also probably spend some time holding his itty bitty baby daughter which is good for her and good for me, as I will get a break to change laundry loads or finish the growing pile of dishes in the sink. Yes, we are looking forward to Daddy coming home and restoring a sense of balance to this (irritating) day. Though it is just an ordinary day at our house for the kids, I think they do recognize the extraordinary Daddy they is evident in the grand amount of excitement that is brewed while yelling, "Daddy's Home!" as soon as he walks through the front door.

Happy Father's Day!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Little Sister

What can we do with a little sister?

We can hold her and give her lots and lots of love.

We can strap her in the car seat and bring her places with us.

We can give her baby massages with oil and lotion after her bath.

We can hold her some more and enjoy her cute littleness.

We can push her in her swing or give her her nukki when she is sad.

We can share her with others, like Grandmas and Grandpas.

We can hold her some more and be proud to be helpful & loving big sisters and brothers.

We can play "dolls" with her...and she gets to wear the doll's dresses too!

...and she can wear the doll's pajamas! (American Girl Doll Julie's 1970's PJ's)

But mostly we love her & hold her and thank God for yet another glorious miracle.

Monday, June 15, 2009

One Month Old---Hooray!

Is it possible? Can it be? Our tiny little Baby Bethany is One Month Old already? Oh my....
So sweetly sleepy, softly slumbering.......

Swinging to the sound of birds chirping and waterfalls gently gurgling........

Growing and growing (to 6-1/2 pounds), along with the beautiful spring blossoms......

So blissfully happy in baby-doll looks......perhaps ready to soon smile!

Skinny little arms and legs and super sweet soft cheeks...highly kissable indeed!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Long Post.....

Happy Four Week Old Birthday!!

OK, I'll be honest.......bringing a new baby home, who is a preemie at that, having some slight (but not horrible) post-surgical complications, and having the kids all get out of school for summer vacation all in the same week has been somewhat of a challenge, even for me. The baby is doing great, the kids have all been doing well and are having a great time, my recovery is finally going in the right direction, but by golly, we still are having to all learn how to get along with new dynamics......not to mention Mommy is finally back at home and we have to adjust the Daddy vs. Mommy in charge rules a bit. A little confusing to the kids, as well as to myself at times. I am NOT 100% yet, and anything less is a very hard place for me to settle for.

Grandma & Lyle visit every Sunday after taking the boys to church

BUT, it IS all good. Really. We are managing quite well. We made it through that first week of "summer" vacation as it rained and was only 50 degrees most days, keeping us captive inside our home. ALL TOGETHER in the same little room most of the time, ALL DAY, EVERYDAY.
What that HAS allowed is some really great time for the kids to get acquainted with their new baby sister. Believe me, she has no lack of attention around here. The kids have also spent enough time playing video games, that they now could really care less if they ever play again....they have had their fill. AND, the kids have enjoyed the variety of toys that have cycled up and down from the basement, aiding in creative play and entertainment for hours.

Bethany still sleeps A LOT. Even at night. This is good for would think. However, she is so NOISY.....those cute little baby noises just do not stop with her. I think Laura and even Michael were the same way. So cute, but so constant are the noises she makes. And at night, it makes me nervous, always watching her wondering, "Is she puking? Is she having a hard time breathing? Does she need to burp? WHAT'S WRONG???" So, by about 3am, I just can't stay awake anymore, and I pass out from my vigilant post at her bedside (which is right next to my head as she is sleeping in a Snuggle Nest in between the pillows of our bed). At 5:30am, I awake with her resting on my arm, with no recollection of how she gets there. We've done this every night for the past two weeks. I think it is safe to say I may be slightly sleep deprived.

She continues to grow and eat like crazy during the day. Though she still looks tiny, she now is beginning to look more like a newborn, and to have a less fetal-not-quite-done-baking-yet look. Her hair remains so soft, as is her sweet skin on her skinny little arms and legs. These last two days have been the first times she has been in summer that it is beginning to actually feel like it has been the first time her naked limbs have been exposed. So cute!!!! Her butt is still so tiny, but it is beginning to react to disposable diapers, just as Tubby's had, so I have tried to move her to my favorite Seventh Generations....but even the newborn size is too large and wide for real comfort. I finally tried her soft, cloth Little g diapers adorable, though large also.
Meant for a baby at 8 pounds, her little 6.5 pound body is slightly swimming in them. I am still hopeful that I can make these work for now.....otherwise, I just might be looking at cloth diapers, period!

Alex spent his first week of summer vacation at Marching Band Camp. Always a fun time for those kids. He had a nice surprise for us to remember this year's camp by:
Yeah, we knew that the kids were planning on cutting his hair at camp. We HAD been forewarned. We had NOT been prepared for HOW MUCH. Last night, he won the family's "Softest Hair" contest. He even beat his newborn sister!

After my routine blood draw at the lab in the cities on Thursday(checking my troublesome factor X which determines the amount of coumadin I need to take to avoid another PE), my mom and I stopped with the little ones at a park in Chaska for some lunch and playtime. The weather was so very lovely and perfect...just above 70 degrees...I wish it would stay this way all summer long. We must have spent an hour and a half just chilling at the park and enjoying the glorious day while Laura and Tubby happily played on a new-to-them play structure. We were treated to the band's first performance in the park on Thursday evening, which was also our first time out with all the kids as a family. Thank heavens that my mom was already there to help me, and Daddy met us at the park, as well as Grandma ?. It was kind of a more-than-one-person job. I packed a dinner for the kids which they ate while waiting for the performance to start, and finished later as they played at the adjoining playground after the band went by, and finally downed some drinks as they came with me to watch Jonny's baseball game. Jonny is really getting into it this year. He is swinging evenly, catching and throwing well, and genuinely enjoying the game. He has fit in well, though starting rather late as a newbie two years ago, at the elder age of 9. The kids were good sports through it all, and entertained themselves well between bouts of cheering for their older brothers that night......the entertainment usually involved dirt or sand of some sort....

On Friday evening, Bob and I actually went out to a restaurant with our friends to celebrate a birthday. We took the baby, had some good food, and laughed so hard I thought my belly would burst (really....I was holding it together with my hands...). Later in the evening, I met countless new friends in the restaurant bathroom as I was nursing my teeny four week old girl. I also enjoyed a variety of conversations about breastfeeding with sober and less than sober women who passed through. It was so great to be out of the house, and to see people again, both Thursday and Friday. We dare say we almost felt like NORMAL human beings. I know, that is hard to fathom.

But the real shocker came on Saturday as we ALL went to Alex's parade 90 minutes away in Owatonna. Being our first real summer day, it took preparation to pack the things required for an entire afternoon away, for the baby-especially the sling and pacifier-otherwise might as well call the whole project off, chairs for ourselves, hats(which got left in the truck), water (which also was left in the truck, big bummer), sunscreen, blankets to sit on, the camera, phones that were fully charged in case we had to separate(marching band viewing is a serious business), and bags to catch parade candy(um, left in the truck). But, we did it! And you know what? WE ALL, and I heavily stress the word ALL, had fun!!!! The kids had a blast, Tubby was in heaven watching the multiple firetrucks go by, the power of a little bit of candy is not to be dismissed, and we got a perfect viewing spot for the marching band show. With the temp a perfect 75 degrees, accompanied by a pleasant breeze, we could not have asked for a better day. Bob and I were shocked by how quickly time had passed......we were there for nearly 3 hours, but it hardly seemed like one. What a great day.

Today, I almost made it to church. I was nearly ready, but my baby was much too hungry to wait at the time required to leave. At least now it is more of a timing issue and needing to schedule a bit more to my getting ready routine, instead of a I'm-not-feeling-physically-able-to-make-it kind of issue. In fact, I have been doing much better with using the hot pads and walking regularly with the neighbor(we are now at about 45 minutes), creating some good movement plans that seem to be lessening the pain considerably. I am happy to report that I have been free of heavy pain meds since Thursday. It's wonderful!!

Bob took the big boys to church, while I stayed behind the the youngest 5. As I nursed the baby, we read Bible stories from four different children/family bibles (FYI, I am totally loving our new ESV Family Bible...the stories are written wonderfully and biblically, and the illustrations are beautiful), and did a few question and answer devotions. This seemed to lift their spirits a bit, as they were quite sad (some to the point of tears) about missing church. Oh! We even made up our own little tune to sing a song at the end of one of the books. It was kind of a special morning for us.

Bob and the same 3 big boys all headed more than 2 hours away to Benson, MN for a Marching Band competition today. Those are really the best, as 10-20 top rated bands compete for cash prizes and trophies. Each year, we are always impressed with the variety of shows, moves, music, and props that are used in these competitions. It's a whole other world....and a really good one! Neither the baby not I could comfortably handle so much driving in one day (more than 4 hours total), so I stayed behind with the little 5 again. We converted the basement rice table into the outdoor water table it was meant to be and I conveniently parked it right outside the family room window so that I could supervise my children from the comforts of my air conditioned home as I snuggled my baby all day. Because, come on.....80 degrees is MUCH too hot for me. We also set up a small sprinkler system in the yard. The kids were busy all afternoon in the yard, running after the neighbors, having water gun fights, then later verbal and physical fights with those same neighbors(which was not nearly as cute as the previous water fights), and finally ending the evening near 9 o'clock with a friendly visit from the local sheriff who drove through the neighborhood passing out gold star stickers and Minnesota Twins baseball cards. Tubby played at that table all day....I kid you not....a solid 5 hours. He took a 15 minute break to eat his dinner, at a picnic bench right next to the water table. If this keeps up all summer, I've really got it made!

And the Marching Band Competition results? Just in at 9:45pm: We won it all!!!!! Best drum line, best colorguard (cute girls dancing with the colorful flags), people's choice (the crowd favorite), and Grand Champion (judge's most highly rated). Hooray!!!!! This might be our year to take it all away from Park Center when we go to the biggest competition of all in Alexandria that last Sunday in June!!!(OK, Lisa, that is your head's up for this year's first summer visit!)

Oh, and I just changed Bethany's little g diaper for the first time (cloth diaper with a flushable insert). It was great! I kept it on her more than 5 hours, though the recommended is 2----but seriously, I do not have the money to afford changing her every two hours, these things are expensive! The insert was very wet, but her poo stayed inside, and only a tiny bit of the cloth edges PERHAPS were slightly damp. I really couldn't quite tell, but again, these diapers ARE a bit large on her teeny tiny tushie. The best part was ripping the insert apart as instructed (VERY easy), and flushing it down the toilet as it was literally disintegrating before my eyes. One less diaper in the landfill! This has been a great ending to a very good day!!!!

Yikes! Blogger is warning me about a scheduled outage in five minutes and Bob and the boys just got home (obviously by speeding????), so I am going to have to try to add pictures tomorrow. Be sure to check back, I've got quite a few!!! G'night!