Thursday, June 25, 2009

Crocodile Chop

This has been an exciting week for my kids. It is second in anticipation of summer activities (first is Watermelon Day/Cabin in August). It was Vacation Bible School at our church each evening this week.
VBS is an incredible event at our church. With over 600 kids preregistered, and probably a couple hundred more registering the first night, one would think we were in for a lot of chaos, right? But each year I have volunteered, and each year I have been completely amazed by how well organized and nearly seemless things go throughout the evening. From one station to another, things are running like a well-oiled machine. The kids always have a fabulous time, and quite frankly, so do us adults!
I took a break this year due to the new baby and recovery, and did some faux volunteering instead, as I supervised a group of very cute and sweet five year olds (my own included) each night as Grandma ? made it up from Mankato after work, as fast as she could to minimize her tardiness from the bursting and bubbling excitement of VBS. Though sad to not have an entire volunteer role this year, it really would have been too much. But it was great to enjoy 4 nights of someone else doing dinner cooking for me and four nights of sweet worship with a bunch of adorable children on fire for God. Last night it was announced that out of those 800-ish kids, 90 had given their hearts up for Jesus. Sweet, indeed.

Before heading to the Crocodile Swamp this evening for our last night of pumped up glory to God, Laura was granted her wish she has been begging for for the last few months, and had a quick 5 minute appointment with a pair of scissors in my bathroom:
She looks so adorable! And is very proud of her new do. She is telling everyone about it, and shakes her head from side to side enjoying the way her shorter locks brush against her cheeks. While super cute from the front, I have a bit of fixing to do around the back and sides. Kind of looks like she had an appointment with a real crocodile instead. Well, it isn't bad for the 5 minutes we had.

I have enjoyed some nice quiet moments at home while Grandma and Jonny entertained the kids at church. Tubby has had a few good evening naps, and Bob has been able to relax after work. Alex has had a few more parades in which they continue to win Grand Champion....they are having a GREAT season!

Jonny is really liking baseball, and their team is 4-1. Not too shabby! Jonny completed a great theater camp last week at the Chanhassen Dinner Theater. They spent the week learning some acting tricks/stunts, stage dancing, singing, the works. Jonny was familiar with most of it from his other acting experiences, but he did enjoy learning a few new things. They delighted us with a program full of little skits on the last thing was that they got to perform it all on the main theater stage!
Melissa completed a camp of her own last week....Laura Ingalls Wilder Camp at the Lowry Nature Center. She spent 3 fun-filled days learning how to do the things that Laura would have, cleaning, farm chores, crafts, mending, etc. She had a wonderful time, even having gone without any friends to lean on. Good girl! I got the added benefit of having my mom here for three days as she drove Melissa back and forth, and helped out around this crazy house. Thanks, Mom!

So tonight, as I wait for the kids to return, I am holding my baby who is so very sweet, and still very little (at 6 pounds, 12 ounces), and today, is ill with her first sickness. She has had a slight fever, and a hoarse sounding cry which is very sad and pathetic, really. I am so saddened that my little one is doesn't seem fair. And where she got it, we will never know, as we do not go anywhere these days! Bob is with Jonny at his baseball game, Alex is at another parade, Michael is up in St Cloud this week at a Christian Hockey Camp, and all the other kids are at church until at least 9:30pm. I am now going to go snuggle with my Tubby on the couch and we are going to finish watching CARS....of course!!!!

Congratulations to Chris & Alison on the birth of baby Ava today! She joins a lovely family and is blessed with 3 big brothers waiting to welcome her home!

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