Sunday, July 26, 2009


Well, after 2 more baseball games this afternoon and evening, Jonny's team, the Mets, have won consolation championship! Hooray!

Jonny's team came up from behind in the first game today, when things had looked hopeless for them. As they trailed behind by seven points, Grandma & Lyle departed for home to make it to a previously scheduled appointment. Who knew that Jonny's team would rally and tie the game up in a mere matter of minutes? They tied, and then won with a few more runs made the next inning. Wow. Talk about some Sunday afternoon excitement!

They won the last game fairly easily, and were able to finish the season on a good note. They received special "golden" baseballs from their kind coaches, and a medal for consolation champs. And a dilly bar to go, too! After 2-1/2 months of baseball for two hours every Tuesday and Thursday evening, it will be nice to have a little bit of extra free time before summer is over.

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