I am really liking this geocaching game----it gets us outside, we get to visit lots of pretty places, we get plenty of exercise, and we have a lot of fun, too. All of us.
Except for when we are attacked by pesky mosquitoes, like today. Honestly, these were the first mosquitoes we have even seen all summer, and boy were they hungry. They attacked us mercilessly, leaving Laura to run away down the path screaming and crying, my mom and I to cower in the truck with the babies, and the boys and Grandpa with at least 300 bites on their exposed flesh.
The ice cream that the grandparents treated us to helped ease the itchies a bit. Thank you Grandma and Grandpa for the great treat!
And our reward for such a difficult day? Our first travel bug that we can officially log onto our account! Hooray! We'll be bringing this up to Duluth with us in a few weeks to deposit it into another "Great View" cache location so it may continue travelling on it's way.
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