With out VIP tickets, we were among a smaller group of people who were present for an audience-asking interview with the lead singers of TobyMac and Skillet. They were nice, ordinary looking guys, who seemed to deal with the same types of issues in their families and as dads and husbands, just as the rest of us. These guys were strong Christian men. These guys were rockers (well, Toby's a bit more....hip hop?). And when these guys performed on stage, they were anything BUT ordinary.
Our main drive to go to this concert was for TobyMac. It had been one of the first groups that Bob had really started listening to at the time that it was Alex's favorite. We both were figuring that Skillet was a crazy screamo group we would just have to "suffer through" as we waited for the star of the show. Judging by the fact that we were about the oldest people in the place, we were certain that we were way out of our genre. Boy, were we wrong.
We LOVED it. Totally and completely LOVED the Skillet show. It was crazy. Fire balls. Smoke towers. Fireworks. Stage elevators. Heavy metal cello and violin. Preaching about Jesus and the Gospel message. Crazy. But oh so very good!
Having no high expectations, this show just sailed through the roof for us. We would have been completely satisfied to leave and go home after that.....it was worth the ticket price.
Toby came up next, which meant listening and participating in some songs we had actually heard before and familiar with....and with which we could understand the words sung.
We had great seats on the floor, only 4 rows back in the chairs, and only several feet from the singers when they walked down the center peninsula.
TobyMac spent quite a deal of time in this center stage as he and his crew sang a few of their songs----plus a fun rendition of "Pants on the Ground" for us Minnesotans-----with only the lead guitarist and his right hand singer Gabe, by his side, it created an intimate atmosphere in the crowd of 13,000. It was so much fun! Now excuse me, as I wait for my hearing to return.....(but sooooo worth the loss!)
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