Thankfully, I was able to leave the house again tonight. This time I took Jonny to the WHS varsity basketball game. I had a two-fold purpose: to listen to Alex play in the pep band, and to get Jonny some more exposure to his current sport of choice. This was the first time we went to a game for the sake of going to see the game (i.e.instead of waiting for Melissa to dance at halftime). It was surprisingly a lot of fun. I'm not sure it was the $9 entrance fee worth of fun, but it was fun nonetheless. The pep band played very well, reminding me of all the marching band parades last summer. They were much better than the high school pep band that I use to play in. Jonny and I ended up sitting right in front of the was funny how most of the cheers were still the same as they had been 20 years ago when I was cheering at basketball games! I think I finally bridged a crossroads tonight and realized how very glad I am to no longer be in high school. I really felt comfortable being one of the many "old" parents just sitting in the stands. It is nice to just be blending in without superficial worries.
Alex practiced in the music room with a friend for an audition tomorrow as Jonny and I stayed to watch the second half of the game. Jonny helped me to learn some of the rules of the game and some of the calls that the refs were making. Waconia lost. Oh well. We are use to that this season since our hockey team has lost almost every game too.
We got home a bit after 9pm. I made some kettle corn for our CHUCKapaloosa fest we had been planning tonight. We have all been having CHUCK withdrawal
since the show took a break over the holidays, and we have been impatiently awaiting the new episodes to begin. We are thrilled that we will have 2 new episodes to watch! Michael is also recording a WILD hockey game, so we have to wait even longer to watch our shows. We will not get to start until 10pm, so we will probably only watch one show, and now we have finished eating our popcorn. It looks like we are just going to be having a mini CHUCKfest tonight.
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