Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A Nice Escape

Today I did something that I rarely ever do....I went to another mom's house to just hang out, have tea, and chat! My Alex and her son are fact, it is her son who got Alex involved in the youth group he attends. This is another mom in town with 8 kids, and runs a daycare in her home composed of 4 little toddlers. So when it comes to understanding what it is like being at home everyday with a houseful of kids, this lady really gets it!

It was so great just to sit at her table, sipping tea, while my baby played happily and quietly on the floor next to me, and all of her little daycare cuties slept peacefully in the next room. We got to share laughs over the challenges of daily life, as well as parental worries about our older kids. Our kids are all quite similar in age, so we really have a lot in common. This family is also a wonderful Christian was so nice to talk about real things instead of glossing over stuff that doesn't even matter.

When I reluctantly left her house to return to my own real world waiting for me back at home, I came across something a bit disturbing. My truck that I had parked at the top of the rather steep hill next to their house was not where I had left it. My truck was now 300 feet away, at the bottom of the hill, parking brake and emergency brake still engaged. Interesting......I know that my tires are bad since many of the treads are worn, and the kids have enjoyed some creative driving on icy days. But why did the truck not show signs of slippage when I first parked it? Maybe it is the brakes? I'm not sure. I am glad that it stopped and that there was a snowbank blocking its passage down the next hill that would have led it straight into lake Waconia!

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