Thursday, April 23, 2009

Time Out!

I feel I have done a fairly decent job during this pregnancy about not overdoing it, taking breaks, and in general, taking better care of myself. This pregnancy has been going so very well, that often times I would even forget that we were having another baby. That is why this "accidentally" found complication is bothering me so much. Why is it occurring? What's the deal?

Since Tuesday evening, I have had feelings that something is just not right. Not necessarily with the baby....she actually looks to be doing rather well. I, myself, have not been feeling quite right. And I can't figure it out. That too, is frustrating to me. Today, we got ready for MOPS after driving the kids to school, we all were dressed in cute, summer clothes, our lunches were packed the night before for us to enjoy at the park after the meeting, and everything was going quite well. Laura even WANTED to go today, and was just itching to bust out the front door. But I was not feeling right. I felt exhausted, and slightly anxious....still not being able to figure it out. But most similar to impending delivery, without the contractions that go with it. So, to Laura's dismay, I parked myself in a side-lying position on the couch, and that is where I remained all day.....a self-imposed time out.

Lunch was effortless today, as it had already been prepared....and Laura conceded to getting the bags out of the refrigerator, and helping Tubby set up his little "picnic" with her on the library floor. We walked down the hill to the little park next to our house for a short, 20 minute visit in the wind and light drizzle. It at least helped appease her for a few minutes. Tubby threw his own little tantrum when we returned home about some problem with one of his trucks: I opened it, closed it, turned it around, and repeated steps many times, but it was apparently NOT what he was asking me to do. He ended up actually crying on the floor for 10 minutes, before stopping....sound asleep, with his jacket still on. A self-imposed time-out for him, too.

The quiet allowed me to doze off and on throughout the afternoon (which is highly unusual for me to nap), and Laura was a cooperative girl as she rested on the neighboring couch, watching a series of mindless tv shows throughout the afternoon. Poor girl was bored to near tears on a day she had been so excited about. When the kids came home from school, we made the move outdoors. I drove the kids to a park I had promised Laura we would visit earlier in the day. Yay! Mommy finally came through on something for her little girl! It was so hot and windy at the unprotected park, that we only lasted about 30 minutes before heading home where the kids could play in the shade of the backyard.
Popsicles in hand, dinner delivered to us by a caring friend, and Daddy arriving home to take Michael to hockey, all added up to our success in making it through the day. Jonny took the reins after dinner and set up the egg dye kits so that the kids could finally complete their Easter egg coloring fun for the year (don't worry, I had boiled a new batch of eggs just yesterday for this event). As I type, the kids are all still running around the house, playing hide and seek, and giggling like maniacs. I suppose I should send them off to bed.....perhaps I should go to bed too!

1 comment:

Alison said...

I thought it was interesting that you noticed feeling "not right" this morning. I have no idea what is is actually like to go into labor, because I never actually have (despite having three children - amazing, huh?), but I too, this morning did not feel "quite right". I chalked it up to low blood sugar, but after eating two bowls of cereal and an orange, I still didn't feel right. I still have no idea what was wrong. Maybe we could just feel the impending storm?