Boy, does time fly. People always knowingly tell you, "They grow up so fast!" Must have heard that two million times. But, by golly, they are all right! How is it that I sit here, pregnant with another little baby, while my first baby is turning sixteen today, learning to drive, and planning on full time college coming this fall? I do not particularly feel THAT much older (maybe quite a bit more tired...). So where DOES all that time go? ![](
Alex is one to be proud of. Such a kind, gentle, super-smart, spirit-filled young man, who is a joy to be around. With no help from his parents, he has made it through those nasty tween years, and came through with flying colors.....a delightful young man, with a strong Christian heart, and incredible values. It is funny to think that long , long ago, when he was just a preschooler, his pediatrician (who we no longer see), actually suggested he go to Washburn for a while, to get some remedial help for his impulsitivity. Ha! If he could only see this wonder boy now!
Though our trip to Chicago was cut WAY short over the weekend (we were only there for 18 hours), it was still better than imagined (see previous post). Sharing the driving three ways made the trip a piece of cake, even with cranky and puking kiddos in the back seats. Alex now has completed all his daytime driving hours, and did a fabulous job driving the last 2-1/2 hours home yesterday, including managing all the freeways through and around downtown St.Paul, and southern Minneapolis. Yay, Alex! After 4 more night driving hours, he will be eligible to take his test.
With now 5 sick kiddos at home today, we did pretty much nothing for Alex's special day. (By the way, it is also spring break for us...we are NOT off to a good start). We DID manage to go to Target with the few not sick kids, per Alex's request...apparently he had promised Tubby he would take him yesterday, but it was too late when we got back home. Alex and I got special birthday coffees to drink, while Jonny took Tubby "shopping". We spent way too much money as usual (though more than half were groceries, so I guess it was not so bad), and then went back home. Yippee.![](
As birthday boy requested, we had a yummy meal of take-out Chinese, which we have not had in a very long time. In an effort to decrease budget costs which seem to be getting way out of control (mostly in part due to our horrible new health insurance we have had since Jan is really ridiculous, and we are seriously going broke FAST), we have only been allowing one take-out, pizza, or fast food order per month. He blew out his candles on the Monkey Bread "Cake" Jonny and I had made for him earlier, and opened a few presents.....candy from Jonny and money and a Sonshine Ticket from us(his short trip to Harvest Bible Chapel and a very nice class ring were also presents).
Though his actual birthday DAY seemed to be lacking somewhat in the specialness department due to current circumstances, I hope he indeed knows how very very special he is to us.
Happy Birthday, Alex!
Alex is one to be proud of. Such a kind, gentle, super-smart, spirit-filled young man, who is a joy to be around. With no help from his parents, he has made it through those nasty tween years, and came through with flying colors.....a delightful young man, with a strong Christian heart, and incredible values. It is funny to think that long , long ago, when he was just a preschooler, his pediatrician (who we no longer see), actually suggested he go to Washburn for a while, to get some remedial help for his impulsitivity. Ha! If he could only see this wonder boy now!
Though our trip to Chicago was cut WAY short over the weekend (we were only there for 18 hours), it was still better than imagined (see previous post). Sharing the driving three ways made the trip a piece of cake, even with cranky and puking kiddos in the back seats. Alex now has completed all his daytime driving hours, and did a fabulous job driving the last 2-1/2 hours home yesterday, including managing all the freeways through and around downtown St.Paul, and southern Minneapolis. Yay, Alex! After 4 more night driving hours, he will be eligible to take his test.
With now 5 sick kiddos at home today, we did pretty much nothing for Alex's special day. (By the way, it is also spring break for us...we are NOT off to a good start). We DID manage to go to Target with the few not sick kids, per Alex's request...apparently he had promised Tubby he would take him yesterday, but it was too late when we got back home. Alex and I got special birthday coffees to drink, while Jonny took Tubby "shopping". We spent way too much money as usual (though more than half were groceries, so I guess it was not so bad), and then went back home. Yippee.
As birthday boy requested, we had a yummy meal of take-out Chinese, which we have not had in a very long time. In an effort to decrease budget costs which seem to be getting way out of control (mostly in part due to our horrible new health insurance we have had since Jan is really ridiculous, and we are seriously going broke FAST), we have only been allowing one take-out, pizza, or fast food order per month. He blew out his candles on the Monkey Bread "Cake" Jonny and I had made for him earlier, and opened a few presents.....candy from Jonny and money and a Sonshine Ticket from us(his short trip to Harvest Bible Chapel and a very nice class ring were also presents).
Though his actual birthday DAY seemed to be lacking somewhat in the specialness department due to current circumstances, I hope he indeed knows how very very special he is to us.
Happy Birthday, Alex!
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