Crispy was acting kind of shy...I think that he is another kid who does not like to be complete center of attention. Asking him about his game, his responses were "good" and "I don't know", at decibel levels barely audible. I guess we need to spend more time with this little guy and show him that it is okay to feel special sometimes.....he is too used to being the humble little background helper! And a fantastic helper he is!!
We had lunch with Grandma at the Good Earth before heading back towards home. We just HAD to buy some gigantic cookies to go...the iced ginger are my favorites. Crispy must have worked really hard at hockey, because not only did he eat a pizza the size of his plate and drink an entire smoothie at the restaurant, but as soon as we were driving, he asked for one of those big six-inch M&M cookies and ate that too! This boy can really eat....he often will eat about as much as his teenage brothers. He has certainly been blessed with the Connelly high metabolism as he is still stick skinny, too!
The kids had JAM & JELLYS rehearsal as usual on Sunday evenings (BTW, Spring Show is May 3, and the JAM kids will be singing at all of the morning services on Palm Sunday). Jonny got an exciting call from the JAM director yesterday......he has an actual character part this season! He will be Bubba, the Solid Rock Cafe cook. It also comes with a short singing solo. Jonny is so excited...he has really been showing interest in acting. He also has several parts in the upcoming 4th grade play on Thursday. I think he is following in Daddy's footsteps! Crispy has a character part this time around,too...he will be Matt in the 3rd scene. He will have to practice being the center of attention for at least a little while. However, it does seem easier to pretend to be someone else than to put our own true selves in the spotlight. (Why is that?)We always said we had interesting characters living in our house!
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