Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Just in case one has not yet noticed, I have been posting BioPhysical Profile updates in the left hand side bar under the baby ticker. Even though I can't seem to manage updating the blog all the time, I AM prioritizing updating these BPP sidebars every Tuesday and Friday. Today did not go so well.....and resulted in 4 hours of monitoring. I am really quite too frustrated and bothered at this point to discuss it much further, except that I would really like SOMEONE to provide us with some theories or INPUT or HELP before it is too late. This just seems ridiculous.

(ps. sorry about all the complaining lately....I try to keep that all to Facebook, and use the blog for happy things!)

1 comment:

Alison said...

I'm so sorry. I am frustrated and bummed out for you. We are thinking of you and praying for baby. And you're not complaining. I want to read about what's going on in your life.