The weather has been simply outstanding all month. Temperatures have been in the 60's lately, and I can't even remember the last time we saw snow. We have been loving this. And the kids have been begging to play in the water. They have been begging me for days now. Since the thermostat hit 58 degrees a few days ago. They now think it is perfectly fine to take a dip in the pool. After all, in Minnesota, 58 degrees in March is HOT.
Well, those little kids didn't miss a beat. They ran home from the bus Wednesday afternoon, did their homework in record time, and were out the door in swim suits before one could barely utter "Hello." Working together, they hooked up the hose, found buckets, cloths, sponges, soap, and were off to work, using lots of relatively cold water on this supposedly hot day.
They were in bliss. Seriously happy. All of them just giddy to be playing in the water.
The other neighborhood kids looked on sadly, unable to play. Because all the other respectable neighborhood moms are intelligent enough to recognize that it was not, in fact, warm enough to be running around in swim suits until sunset, soaked from head to toe. And for their kids, I would agree.
But my kids seem to have inherited my broken internal thermostat that puts 73 degrees right up there with the world's hottest survivable temps on record. No kidding. A day like today may be breezy and cool to the rest of the world. But to my kids and I, if it gets any warmer, we will have to lock ourselves into our air conditioned home and see you all again in October when the weather becomes more reasonable again.
I have been putting it off for awhile, much to the disappointment of all of them. But I did promise them that they could wash the cars on Wednesday when it would be reaching about 70 degrees.
So play today, we must do. As our summer season is naturally short in this part of our country. But for us hot blooded folk, the number of comfortable, playable days is significantly shorter.
(Still pining for Alaska......perhaps someday........)
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