Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Play Date, Take 3!

We have been trying and trying and TRYING to have a decent get-together with Auntie Tracey and her kids. Our first visit a few weeks ago was so very short, as we rushed off to an early reservation to board the Titanic across the other side of the cities. We had set another date for the following day, having no idea that Alex and I would almost spend the remainder of our living hours at the DMV. Being that we live so far apart--on complete opposite corners of the far reaches of what is still considered the metro area--and we are so busy during the school year with activities and Tracey's job as an elementary special ed teacher, we really needed a day to work for a nice, long visit. I am happy to say, that today, we succeeded.

On yet another gorgeous summer day, the kids spent the day--the entire day--playing with Lizzie and the boys at Auntie Tracey's house. The girls had no lack of activities as they played in the massive toy room located in the bonus room of the house. Tubby played with the train table and quietly followed his sisters from place to place, initially being a bit shy around the two boys. Crispy was not there today to help him along, as to Crispy's confliction(is that even a word?), he had a birthday party to go Grand Slam...poor kid, fun options either way!

After Papa John's Pizza (our favorite when we lived in the cities---now our only choice is Domino's or expensive Pizza Ranch), the kids decided they REALLY wanted to play in the sprinkler. This had been our plan a few weeks ago when we were suppose to visit that day it was stifling hot, but today it was a breezy, overcast, barely 70 degree day! They were determined, and we were enjoying the opportunity to converse and catch up, so Tracey kindly obliged and brought the sprinkler up from the back.

It was cold.

The kids had to build up courage.

But they finally DID get a little bit wet.

And it was so sweet to watch them being together.

And even sweeter comfortably chatting with my wonderful friend about childhood memories and up to date issues. Though distance now between us in miles may keep us apart, memories shared and time spent together will forever keep me blessed to have my "sister" Tracey in my life!

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