Friday, March 12, 2010

Like Favre(...well, loosely speaking)

Less than 24 hours after Michael's "retirement" from hockey, he was out on the ice again. (Just like a certain football player we have become to love this year) This time, he was out on the ice playing with his brother Crispy.
This is most likely the only time these two will be paired on the same team as they are seven years apart in age.

Michael was gracious enough to take my place in the player/parent end of year game for Crispy's hockey team (my ankle is still in no condition to be in a skate). Crispy was so happy to have someone out there from his family with him. And it was so extremely neat to see his teenage brother happy to play with him. One of those happy family moments.....and something that Crispy with remember forever.

Michael was a good sport as he toned down his play, and let a few pucks get by him. Crispy was giving it his all, playing well having the extra moral support out on the ice directed specifically at him. They all looked like they were having a great time.

Tubby was having a great time playing in the nearly empty stands (as all the parents were out on the ice). And I was messing around with my camera settings. I discovered during Michael's last two games that I have absolutely NO idea what I am doing, and I have a slew of horrible pictures to prove it.

It was great watching Michael being a supportive big brother, and Crispy being the proud little brother.

But as many a hockey game must end, Michael and Crispy sacrificed themselves to the obligatory hockey fight. Ahhhhh....the beauty of brotherly love!

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