Tuesday, May 27, 2008

My Little Buddy's Growing Up!

Christopher has always been my little buddy. His sweet, easy-going personality has made him a wonderful companion to bring any and everywhere. He accompanies me to hockey games, soccer games, therapy sessions for the girls, grocery shopping, practices of all kinds....everywhere. He makes mundane tasks a little more fun, and he can ALWAYS make me smile.
It was with great sadness that I sent him off to Kindergarten this year. My sweet, sweet boy, going off into an unknown world, with exposure to potentially bad behavior. Was I nuts for letting him go?

He has LOVED Kindergarten. Like all of his other brothers, he is especially bright. He got the hang of reading early on in the year, and it has opened up worlds of imagination for him. He has thrived on learning new information and trying different projects. We have learned that being creative and artistic are NOT his strong points, but no matter, for they do not interest him much anyhow. He has been a valuable part of his classroom as a positive role model for others, leader, and friend to many. He has enjoyed the respite of school, away from being sandwiched by 2 sisters with special needs, and doing his own thing.....BOY things!

Tonight, we celebrated the completion of his first year of school.....a Kindergarten "graduation" of sorts. Watching my little buddy on stage, singing with hand motions and eagerly attempting to volunteer for special parts, my heart caught in my throat as I realized how much he was really growing up. Next year, he will be away at school all day long! He has had a great first year, and has made some really nice friends....friends who are smart and sweet like he is.....kids who are good for him as well as good to him. Judging by the look on his face tonight, he is also satisfied with how things are going and what school means to him.

After punch and cookies, we headed back to our house for a little celebration of our own with a yummy DQ ice cream cake. Not only were both Grandmas present for tonight's celebration, but Papa Don made a surprise appearance too! The kids were thrilled to have one of their favorite people in the whole wide world back in their house, and eagerly pulled on his arms to play "Jail" and "Hide and Seek". I wouldn't be surprised if they play these games with him for the next 15 years!

Crispy opened his cards and presents with great anticipation. Even though he already knew what it would be, he was very excited to open the brand new Gold Nintendo DS lite we had given him. It is tradition in our family that each kid gets their first Gameboy upon Kindergarten graduation. He has been waiting for this for two years! Kind of like a rite of passage, my little buddy is now one of the big kids.

1 comment:

Tracey said...

I totally know how you feel. My eyes welled up with tears as i read this. Lizzie is in school until June 10th, I still have a few more days of my girl being a kindergartener. It's really hard to send them off into first grade, it's almost as if they are not children anymore but little "adults". It's nice to know I am not the only one feeling this way.