Saturday, February 2, 2008

Playing Games

Today was a rush from one thing to another as is par for the usual course on our weekends. Crispy and I won the short straw to hockey practice early this morning in Le Sueur. We spend so much money in fees to play hockey as it is, that it seems so cruel to also make us drive to crazy places that are an hour away for a simple PRACTICE for 5 year olds who barely even know how to skate. These days, the gas alone probably cost me about $35 for one of these trips. Yeesh! Anyway....thanks to my new Brittish travelling buddy, "Daniel" (my birthday GPS), we arrived at the arena in 35 minutes instead of the hour it normally takes by the tried and true route. That was exciting because we had left the house very late(I am SOOOO NOT a morning person), and I had already warned Crispy to expect half of practice to be over by the time we got there. As it turned out, we only missed a bit of the beginning warm ups. Thanks, Daniel!

While we were at hockey in a remote part of Minnesota, Bob was at Jonathan's basketball game in town. Jonny was happy that daddy took him was his first chance to show daddy his stuff! I am not really sure how it went since neither of them gave me any details when I asked about it. The most descriptive responses were, "Yeah, it was good", and "Fine". Sometimes it is exasperating living in a house full of the male species.

Crispy and I made another stop at Target on our way home per his request (WHY???? It was 20 minutes out of the way and weren't we just there???), then picked Alex up from his sleepover. We stopped for Chinese food to go per his request (is anyone else getting the sense that I am a pushover for my children?), and left for home with over 6-1/2 pounds of rice, eggrolls, and a little bit of chicken. Everyone must have been disappeared faster than it had taken Alex and I to fill the containers at the restaurant.

A few short hours later, I took Jonny to his next basketball appointment. His team got to play during halftime at the Crown College Basketball game. The kids played for about 10 minutes, and looked so hot and exhausted just after that short amount of time. Not the sport for me~I hate being hot! Jonny had the ball a few times, and even got his name announced over the loudspeaker when he assisted a team mate's scoring basket. That's pretty neat for a young player!

We arrived home with 15 minutes to spare before leaving (with Jonny at home in charge of making dinner for the rest of the little ones)for Michael's 8pm hockey game in Bloomington. We faced the undefeated Bloomington team who kicked our butts figuratively and literally. These guys played tough, and the refs let them get away with nearly murdering a few of our players.....murder on the ice, not a pretty sight. Grandma and Grandpa C met us at the game which made Michael very happy(I think he even smiled). It also made Tubby happy: he was held the whole time by people who were happy to hold him, he got to do "funny walk" with Grandpa, and he played a very silly game of Throw the Bottle with Grandma~over and over and over again. Throwing things has been his newfound favorite thing to do, but it quickly has gotten old for the rest of us. He was giggling so much, and was thrilled to have someone playing along with this funny game. I took a short video clip because it was so cute....maybe someday I will figure out how to post those too!

1 comment:

Alison said...

I am tired just from reading your post. I don't know how you manage it. I know one thing for sure - no hockey for my boys - driving to Le Susiewhatsit for a practice? No way! As for posting video - I've had trouble too. I think you must need to shrink it way down and I just don't have time to mess with that. And by the sound of it - neither do you.